
About us

How we do it

Taking uniqueness into account

Appreciating and doing justice to the uniqueness of each person and every organisation.

Acting with integrative effect

Combining and deliberately utilising a variety of aspects.

Thinking sustainably

Considering effects and side effects in a long-term perspective.

Our management

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain

Carsten Steiner

Professional experience

  • Professional basketball coach for more than 35 years (1st league/national teams)
  • Executive coach and management trainer for more than 30 years
  • Managing Partner of a trade company with limited liability
  • Key Account Manager in the financial services sector
  • Lead trainer and consultant in an internationally operating consulting and training institute

University studies and further education 

  • Studies of psychology, education and sports science
  • Degree as certified trainer from the Trainers Academy Cologne, state certified trainer
  • Trainer programme at an international training institute

Advanced training (non-exhaustive) 

  • Agile Action in Top Management – the quality of perception and decision-making under pressure
  • Leading Top Performers – management of high-performance systems
  • Next Organisation – hierarchy is a thing of the past but what takes its place today?
  • Departure to a New Leadership Culture – the democratic company
  • Leadership Competence – your way to management success
  • Applied Positive Psychology in Coaching, Leadership & Business Prof. Dr Martin Seligman
  • Positive Leadership – tools for positive organisation development – positive corporate culture as a way to reach extraordinary success Prof. Dr Kim Cameron
  • Thinking Quickly and Slowly – decision-making in top management Prof. Dr Daniel Kahneman
  • Individual and Organisational Systemic Consulting and Coaching Dr Gunther Schmidt
  • Situational Leadership II® according to Prof. Dr Kenneth H. Blanchard
  • The Relationship Level in Management Prof. Dr Michael Lehofer
  • Change Management with Prof. Dr h.c. Dietmar Vahs
  • Leading with Integrity and Authority Dr Katalin Illes
  • New Authority in Leadership Prof. Dr Haim Omer
  • Fun in Performance – the natural laws of leadership Prof. Dr Felix von Cube
  • Leadership as System Competence Dr Bernd Schmid
  • The Art of Self-monitoring Prof. Dr Bauer
  • Transfer Strength Analysis® Prof. Dr Axel Koch
  • Reiss Profile® Master Prof. Dr Steven Reiss
  • Leadership with Values Dr Fr. Anselm Grün
  • Assessment Certification Center for Creative Leadership CCL®
  • Personal Energy Transformation and Resources Management
  • Conflict Resolution Strategies/Conflict Management
  • Rhetoric/Communication with the Media
  • Psyching Up/Mental Self-Monitoring
  • Performance Diagnostics
  • Teaching and Learning

Consulting, coaching, training fields 

  • As-is analysis of the management culture and management performance
  • Influence of the management and leadership performance on the business development
  • International leadership development
  • Executive development – developing managerial performance

Project examples 

  • International leadership development (supervisory board; president, vice presidents, C-level CEO, CFO, CIO and COO; board of directors; top management)
  • Development of vision, objective, and strategy in the top management
  • Global organisational culture management: Development of values and culture in top management
  • Leadership into management: Implementation of business visions in the leadership and organisation work
  • Leading Top Performers – management of high-performance systems
  • Integrated development of international processes, structure, managerial staff and personnel
  • International coaching/training, e.g. in Egypt, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Taiwan, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, the USA

There’s a way to do it better – find it.“

Thomas Alva Edison

Wolfram Geist

Professional experience

  • Management trainer for 25 years
  • Lecturer of electrical engineering, physics and quality management
  • Head of Sales/Service at a medium-sized company in the medical technology industry
  • Head of Industrial Training at an institute of advanced technical training operating nationwide

University studies and further education 

  • Studies of electrical engineering and business administration
  • Degree as certified engineer (university graduate) at Hochschule der Bundeswehr München (University of the German Armed Forces at Munich)
  • Trainer trainings at the officer’s academy of the air force, an international training institute, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität (DGQ) (German Quality Association) and at the Bundesverband ausgebildeter Trainer und Berater (Federal Association of Trainers and Consultants)

Consulting, coaching, training fields 

  • Environment and process analyses
  • Management and leadership performance in the operative setting
  • Architecture and communication of change processes
  • Implementation and optimisation of quality management systems, structured project management, systems for performance-based remuneration, target agreements and evaluation systems
  • Mastering virtual team, transversal and distance management

Advanced training (non-exhaustive) 

  • EOQ Quality Auditor, environment system auditor and instructor of quality statistics at DGQ
  • Management training in Bad Harzburg
  • New learning techniques at Polytechnical University of Furtwangen
  • Licensed Structogram© Trainer
  • Certified ScrumMaster
  • Accreditation at Facet 5
  • Change Management with Jens Hollmann
  • Project management
  • Corporate communication and conflict management
  • Learn to learn

Project examples 

  • Integrated development of processes, structure, managerial staff and personnel
  • Implementation and project organisations with simultaneous design of processes and mental attitudes in line structures
  • Introduction of QM systems according to DIN EN ISO 9000 seqq., preparation for first and re-certification
  • Realisation of salary framework agreements in the metal and electrical industry with integrated structuring and implementation of corresponding performance evaluation and target agreement systems
  • Introduction and development of performance-based salary systems according to Sec. 18 TVöD [Negotiated Wage Agreement for Public Employees] in public services
  • Transfer of corporate targets into division and department targets
  • Structuring of integrated HR development after company mergers
  • Conceptualisation, organisation and content of business academies
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